School of Chemical Engineering

Crystallization and Particle Technology
Systems Engineering

Visiting Scholar, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering,

College of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUST)
947 Heping Ave., Qingshan District, Wuhan, Hubei 430081, P.R. China

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Résumé | Personal Website

Project Description

My visiting research project, cooperated with Prof. Nagy, focuses on monitoring, modeling and control of Industrial Crystallization using process analytical technology (PAT) (e.g. online UV/vis, FBRM, PVM, Raman), feedback control and population balance modelling to achieve desired crystal size ditribution and shape.

My devoted research interest is Engineering Application & Technology Development of Industrial Crystallization. Three topics are of particular interests:
(1) Control and Modeling of Industrial Crystallization
(2) Molecular Dynamics Simulation in Industrial Crystallization
(3) Co-crystallization / Co-crystals.

    Publications and Presentations

    Journal Publications

    Chuntao Zhang, Xin Wang, Hairong Wang, Wendong Liang, Long Zhao. “Advances in co-crystallization process”. Modern Chemical Industry 2015, 31(1), 63-66, 68
    Chuntao Zhang, Bangyu Liu, Xin Wang, Hairong Wang. “Measurement and Correlation for Solubility of L-valine in Water, Ethanol, N,N-Dimethylformamide, Acetone, and Isopropyl alcohol between 293.15 and 343.15 K”. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2014, 59(9): 2704-2708
    Chuntao Zhang, Bangyu Liu, Xin Wang, Hairong Wang, Haitao Zhang. “Measurement and Correlation of Solubility of L-valine in Water + (Ethanol, N,N-Dimethylformamide, Acetone, Isopropyl alcohol) from 293.15K to 343.15 K”. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2014, 59(9): 2732-2740
    •Fenxi Chen, Rong Liu, Shiwei Xiao, Chuntao Zhang. “Solvothermal synthesis in ethylene glycol and adsorption property of magnetic Fe3O4 microspheres”. Materials Research Bulletin 2014, (55): 38-42
    Chuntao Zhang, Hai-rong Wang, Yong-li Wang. “Internally Generated Seeding Policy in Dilution Crystallization of Ceftriaxone Sodium”. Chemical Engineering & Process: Process Intensification 2010, 49(4), 396-401.
    Chuntao Zhang, Jingkang Wang, Yongli Wang. “Non-isothermal dehydration kinetics of ceftriaxone disodium hemiheptahydrate”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2005, 44 (18): 7057-7061.
    •You Li, Chuntao Zhang, Xin Wang, Zhengxi Xu, Bangyu Liu. “Refinement of crude anthracene by liquid mebrane crystallization”. Fuel & Chemical Processes (China) 2014, 45(3): 1-3.
    •Hairong Wang, Chuntao Zhang, Yong-li Wang. “Studies on the Control of Crystal Size Distribution of Ceftriaxone Sodium in Dilution Crystallization by Seeding”. Chinese Journal of Antibiotics 2009, 34(6): 337-340.
    Chuntao Zhang, Jingkang Wang, Yongli Wang. “Solubility of ceftriaxone disodium in acetone, methanol, ethanol, N,N-dimethylformamide, and formamide between 278 and 318 K”. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2005, 50 (5):1757-1760.


    Chuntao Zhang(Plenary Lecture). Advances in the cocrystallization technology of sugar alcohol and its engineering applications. The 3rd workshop on process control of chemical engineering & industrial crystallization, March 15th-16th, 2014. Tianjin, China.


      Associate Prof.,Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUST) (2010 - present)

        Visiting Scholar,Purdue University (2010 - 2011)

          Lecturer, Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUST) (2010 - present)
